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CID Report (Death): 0080-2006-CID579-79220-5H1D; Amer Ibrahim Mussa-Muhammed, Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, July 11, 2006 ("Homicide")

June 10, 2007 | CID | ACLU-RDI 5513
This is a CID investigation into the death of Amer Ibrahim Mussa-Muhammed, a detainee who died by murder at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. Mr. Mussa-Muhammed was murdered by four (4) of his fellow detainees. He was lured to a a section of the compound under false pretense, than then pounced upon and strangled. Commander's Reports of Disciplinary or Administrative Action found that two (2) Kuwaitis, a Jordanian and another detainee of unknown nationality were charged with Murder & Conspiracy. This file is an extensive investigation in to the murder, and contains photos, medical reports and Sworn Statements. No actions were taken to discipline the offenders and the reason for the lack of action was "declined without explanation." Attorney Magcell "reported SJA declined to prosecute," but no explanation is provided. Cause of Death: Strangulation; Manner of Death: Homicide.